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Capa Capa,
≡  layer by layer


We build on experiences layer by layer. This is how we develop ourselves and our culture. With each layer, we create new insights about life. In doing so, our environment and community grows with us. By sharing visual stories and community awareness campaigns about social and societal issues, Capa Capa builds a new layer of stories that inspire people.


Dirk and Renée's lives changed after living in Malawi. In 2022 we produced award winning films and photography and worked with many talented and warm hearted photographers, playwrights, filmmakers, changemakers, musicians and actors. We’ve chosen to return—not just as a matter of chance, but with intention, structure, and purpose. A Capa Capa kind of return.


Next chapter: Moving to Malawi for social artistry

With The Capa Capa Foundation we create high quality visual work to make a positive impact on society. Guided by faith and compassion.


We see a world where arts and visual culture have a driving role in shaping a more just and inclusive society. 


We share and develop stories to raise awareness of underexposed social and community issues in Malawi.

Do you feel the urgence of acting now to inspire people and build a better world? Your donation helps to make this possible. 

Our Board

Capa Capa is led by a team of experienced board members who bring together a diverse range of expertise to guide the organization towards success.

About the foundation


Onze gegevens

Naam van de instelling

Stichting Capa Capa







​NL96RABO 0320161862




Tel: +31681066017


Doelstelling van de instelling

Kunst uit Malawi, zoals muziek, film, dans, theater en andere vormen, inzetten om zowel de bevolking van Malawi en haar artiesten als geïnteresseerden buiten Malawi kennis te laten maken met onderbelichte sociale en maatschappelijke thema’s in Malawi.


Raad van bestuur

Voorzitter: Bram Zekveld

Penningmeester: Henri de Jong

Secretaris: Judith Radder

Bestuurslid: Salome Trentelman



Dirk Zekveld

Renée de Vink



Bestuursleden zijn onbezoldigd. Zij ontvangen geen vergoeding of vaste onkostenvergoeding. Zij kunnen verzoeken om vergoeding van redelijke kosten.



De Stichting houdt jaarlijks haar administratie bij en doet daarvan verslag op de website in de vorm van een beleidsplan, jaarverslag en jaarrekening.


Our data

Name of the institution

Capa Capa Foundation


Dutch business number (KVK)


RSIN number


IBAN number

NL96RABO 0320161862


Contact details


Phone: +31681066017


Objective of the foundation

To use art from Malawi, such as music, film, dance, theater and other forms, to introduce both the people of Malawi and their artists and interested people outside Malawi to underexposed social and community issues in Malawi.


Board of Directors

Chairman: Bram Zekveld

Treasurer: Henri de Jong

Secretary: Judith Radder

Boardmember: Salome Trentelman


Managing board

Dirk Zekveld

Renée de Vink


Compensation policy

Board members are unpaid. They receive no compensation or fixed expense allowance. They may request reimbursement of reasonable expenses.



The Foundation keeps its records annually and reports on the website in the form of a policy plan, annual report and financial statements.

Dutch donors benefits

ANBI keurkmerk goede doelen

Capa Capa has Cultural ANBI status, which means that we are almost entirely committed to the public interest.


Dutch donors of cultural ANBIs are eligible for an additional donation deduction in their income tax return. Companies that are subject to corporate tax may deduct donations to cultural ANBIs from their profits. Read more about the additional gift deduction on the website of the Dutch tax authorities.

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